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Publications by Klaas Nico Faber
Isolation and Characterization of Pas2p, a Peroxisomal Membrane Protein Essential for Peroxisome Biogenesis in the Methylotrophic YeastPichia Pastoris
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
A Novel Method to Determine the Topology of Peroxisomal Membrane Proteinsin VivoUsing the Tobacco Etch Virus Protease
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
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PER3, a Gene Required for Peroxisome Biogenesis inPichia Pastoris, Encodes a Peroxisomal Membrane Protein Involved in Protein Import
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PAS3, a Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Gene Encoding a Peroxisomal Integral Membrane Protein Essential for Peroxisome Biogenesis
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Fermentation Strategies for Recombinant Protein Expression in the Methylotrophic yeastPichia Pastoris
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A Mobile PTS2 Receptor for Peroxisomal Protein Import inPichia Pastoris
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Characterization of Recombinant Human Endothelial Nitric-Oxide Synthase Purified From the YeastPichia Pastoris
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Formation of the Peroxisome Lumen Is Abolished by Loss of Pichia Pastoris Pas7p, a Zinc-Binding Integral Membrane Protein of the Peroxisome.
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Dynein Light Chain Interaction With the Peroxisomal Import Docking Complex Modulates Peroxisome Biogenesis in Yeast
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Isolation and Characterization of Mutants of the Methylotrophic Yeast,Candida boidiniiS2 That Are Impaired in Growth on Peroxisome-Inducing Carbon Sources
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Genetic Basis of Peroxisome-Assembly Mutants of Humans, Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells, and Yeast: Identification of a New Complementation Group of Peroxisome-Biogenesis Disorders Apparently Lacking Peroxisomal-Membrane Ghosts
American Journal of Human Genetics