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Publications by Kristen Oliver
Enhancing Surveillance on the BioSense Platform Through Improved Onboarding Processes
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
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Data Sharing Among Three States in the BioSense Platform During the 2017 US Solar Eclipse
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Creation of a Technical Tool to Improve Syndromic Surveillance Onboarding in Tennessee
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The Epidemiological Surveillance System: Identifying Processes
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana
Magentix2: A Privacy-Enhancing Agent Platform
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Systems Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Electronic Engineering
Onboarding for Advanced Practice Providers
Introducing the Vienna Platform for Elastic Processes
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Enhancing Routine Surveillance to Improve Stillbirth Data
The Lancet Global Health
Enhancing the Management of Resource-Aware Business Processes
AI Communications
Artificial Intelligence
The QUEENS Experiment Through TEFIS Platform
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Computer Networks