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Publications by Kristofor R. Brye
Groundcover Management System and Nutrient Source Impacts on Soil Quality Indicators in an Organically Managed Apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.) Orchard in the Ozark Highlands
Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science
Liming Characteristics of a High-Calcium Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization By-Product and a Class-C Fly Ash
Journal of Environmental Protection
Locally Sourced Iron and Aluminum Byproducts Decrease Phosphorus Leached From Broiler House Dust Deposited Near Ventilation Fans
Journal of Environmental Protection
Nutrient Removal Structures Using Locally-Sourced Iron and Aluminum By-Products Reduce Nutrient Runoff From Broiler Production Facilities
Journal of Environmental Protection
Diurnal Methane Fluxes as Affected by Cultivar From Direct-Seeded, Delayed-Flood Rice Production
Journal of Environmental Protection
Extraction Characteristics of Selenium as Affected by Coal Fly Ash Type, Water Extractant, and Extraction Time
Journal of Environmental Protection
Long-Term Drainage and Nitrate Leaching Below Well-Drained Continuous Corn Agroecosystems and a Prairie
Journal of Environmental Protection