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Publications by Kunio Ibaraki
A Rare Case of Ectopic Glomus Tumor in Gluteal Muscle.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Relationship Between Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Posterior Tilt Angle of Tibia, Flexion and Extension Force of Knee and Joint Laxity.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
A Case Report of Partial Traumatic Epiphyseal Plate Closure Treated by an Autograft of the Costal Cartilage
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Extension Contracture of Fingers Due to Anomalous Fibrous Band of Finger Extensors.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Unusual Posterior Interosseous Nerve Palsy Follwing Monteggia Fractures: Report of Two Cases
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Radius Wedge Osteotomy in Madelung Deformity of Leri-Weill Syndrome.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Bone Lesions Caused by Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Initially Diagnosed as Osteomyelitis. A Report of Two Cases.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Two Cases of Coxa Vara Due to Constitutional Disorders of Bone.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Induced by a Calcified Mass. A Case Report.
Orthopedics & Traumatology
A Case of Metastasis to the Caude Equina From Lung Carcinoma.
Orthopedics & Traumatology