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Publications by L. Aktay
Modeling the Progressive Axial Crushing of Foam-Filled Aluminum Tubes Using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Coupled Finite Element Model/Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
Materials & Design
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Condensed Matter Physics
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Cartilage Simulation Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Influence of Water Cooling on Orthogonal Cutting Process of Ti-6Al-4v Using Smooth-Particle Hydrodynamics Method
International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications
Particle-Based Modeling and Meshless Simulation of Flows With Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
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Computational Mechanics
Design and Finite Element Simulations of Aluminium Foam-Filled Thin-Walled Tubes
International Journal of Vehicle Design
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Topology Studies of Hydrodynamics Using Two-Particle Correlation Analysis
Physical Review Letters