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Publications by L. Froidevaux
Coherence of Long-Term Stratospheric Ozone Vertical Distribution Time Series Used for the Study of Ozone Recovery at a Northern Mid-Latitude Station
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Ozone Trends Derived From the Total Column and Vertical Profiles at a Northern Mid-Latitude Station
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Diurnal Variation of Stratospheric and Lower Mesospheric HOCl, ClO and HO2 at the Equator: Comparison of 1-D Model Calculations With Measurements by Satellite Instruments
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
A Global Climatology of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Ozone Derived From Aura OMI and MLS Measurements
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Intercomparison of Vertically Resolved Merged Satellite Ozone Data Sets: Interannual Variability and Long-Term Trends
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
New Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Observations of BrO and Implications for Bry
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
Validation of MIPAS IMK/IAA V5R_O3_224 Ozone Profiles
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions
Stratospheric Ozone Trends and Variability as Seen by SCIAMACHY During the Last Decade
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
Diurnal Variation of Stratospheric HOCl, ClO and HO2 at the Equator: Comparison of 1-D Model Calculations With Measurements of Satellite Instruments
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
Ozone Profile Retrieval From Limb Scatter Measurements in the HARTLEY Bands: Further Retrieval Details and Profile Comparisons
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science