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Publications by L.-S. The
Compton Observatory OSSE Studies of Supernovae and Novae
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Molecules in Novae and Supernovae
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Fuse Studies of Dwarf Novae During Quiescence
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The Spatial Distribution of Novae and Super-Novae
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The Nature of the Difference Between Novae, Dwarf Novae, and Novalikes
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Anisotropy Studies With the Pierre Auger Observatory
OSSE Observations of Active Galaxies and Quasars
Physics Sensitivity Studies at Korean Neutrino Observatory
Optical Studies of the Low Velocity Gradient Type Ia Supernovae 2009an and 2009ig
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Planetary Science
Magnetic Compton Scattering Studies of Magneto-Dielectric Ba(Co0.85Mn0.15)O3−δ
Journal of Applied Physics