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Publications by L.L. Kisselev
The Secondary Structure of Oocyte and Somatic 5S Ribosomal RNAs of the fishMisgurnus Fossilis L.from Nuclease Hydrolyses and Chemical Modification Data
Nucleic Acids Research
An Improved Rapid Enzymatic Method of RNA Sequencing Using Chemical Modification
Nucleic Acids Research
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Generalized Structures of the 5S Ribosomal RNAs
Nucleic Acids Research
Secondary Structure Model for Bacterial 16S Ribosomal RNA: Phylogenetic, Enzymatic and Chemical Evidence
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Erroneous Ribosomal RNAs Promote the Generation of Antisense Ribosomal siRNA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Studies on the Interactions of Low Molecular Weight Ribosomal RNAs and Ribosomal Proteins
Studies on the Interactions of Low Molecular Weight Ribosomal RNAs and Ribosomal Proteins
Studies on a Nuclease From Penicillium Citrinum. VI. Secondary Structure of Nuclease P1.
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry
Nucleotide Sequence of the 5S Ribosomal RNA of the archaebacteriumPyrococcus Woesei
Nucleic Acids Research
Detailed Secondary Structure Models of Invertebrate 7SK RNAs
RNA Biology
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Homoiterons and Expansion in Ribosomal RNAs
FEBS Open Bio
Molecular Biology