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Publications by L.N. Korzina
The Opportunities of Radiothermometry at the Selection of the Level of Amputation of the Low- Er Limb and the Method of Its Performing in Pa- Tients With Obliterating Vascular Diseases
Amur Medical Journal
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The Influence of Smoking on the Level of Lower Limb Amputation
Prosthetics and Orthotics International
Health Professions
The funcTional sT aTe of Thyroid Gland and seVeriTy of aTherosclerosis in Pa TienTs wiTh Coronary hearT Diseases
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
Conservative Treatment of Chronic Obliterating Diseases of Lower Limb Arteries
Ambulatory surgery: hospital-replacing technologies
Assessment of Tissue Viability in Relation to the Selection of Amputation Level
Prosthetics and Orthotics International
Health Professions
IF02. Angiographic Patterns at the Ankle and Foot Level in Patients With Critical Limb-Threatening Ischemia Correlate With Healing of Transmetatarsal Amputation
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Cardiovascular Medicine
The Clinical Effectiveness of Topical Propo-Lis in Comparison With Acyclovir in Pa-Tients With Recurrent Herpes Labialis
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal
the Relationship Between the Level of Amputation and the Type of Phantom Impressions
Construct Validity of the Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility (PLUS-M) in Adults With Lower Limb Amputation
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy
Sports Therapy
Sports Science
The Global Challenge of Pulmonary Vascular Diseases and Its Forgotten Impact in the Developing World
Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension