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Publications by Lescuyer G.
Policy Options for Improved Integration of Domestic Timber Markets Under the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Regime: Synthesis From Lessons Learned in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Gabon and Indonesia
The Domestic Market for Small-Scale Chainsaw Milling in the Republic of Congo: Present Situation, Opportunities and Challenges
Policy Options for Improved Integration of Domestic Timber Markets Under the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Regime In Cameroon
Diagnostic Approfondi Pour La Mise en Oeuvre De La Gestion Communautaire De La Chasse Villageoise: Guide Pratique Et Exemples d'Application en Afrique Centrale
Le Marché Domestique Du Sciage Artisanal en République Centrafricaine: État Des Lieux, Opportunités Et Défis
The Africa - China Timber Trade: Diverse Business Models Call for Specialized Policy Responses [Chinese]