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Publications by Li Ran
Analysis Method of Dam Safety Monitoring Data Based on the Least Trimmed Square Estimation
DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research
An Initial Consideration of Silicon Carbide Devices in Pressure-Packages
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The Population Predicting Based on the Curve Fitting Least Square Method
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Earth and Space Science
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Environmental Science
Data Hiding on Selected Object Track Using Partial Least Square Analysis
International Journal of Computer Applications
Parametric Identification of Ship's Maneuvering Motion Based on Improved Least Square Method
Weighted Least Square Method and Associated Time Series Data Problems
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Robust Estimation of the Vector Autoregressive Model by a Least Trimmed Squares Procedure
Time Scale in Least Square Method
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Applied Mathematics
Performance Evaluation of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Total Least Square (TLS) in Adjusting Field Data: An Empirical Study on a DGPS Data
South African Journal of Geomatics
Fast Global Motion Estimation Using Iterative Least-Square Estimation Technique