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Publications by Li Xiaofei
Grey Forecasting Model Based on Interpolation Optimization in Malignant Tumor
SHS Web of Conferences
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Antlion Optimization Algorithm Based on Quadratic Interpolation
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Optimization of the Gyroaverage Operator Based on Hermite Interpolation
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys
Forecasting Stock Price Using Grey-Fuzzy Technique and Portfolio Optimization by Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm
Decision Science Letters
Decision Sciences
Real-Time Process Optimization Based on Grey-Box Neural Models
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Combining Grey Model and Self-Adapting Intelligent Grey Model With Genetic Algorithm and Annual Share Changes in Natural Gas Demand Forecasting
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Energy Engineering
Renewable Energy
Fuel Technology
Power Technology
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Based on Grey Model to Predict the Construction Wastes
Forecasting Taiwan’s GDP by the Novel Weighted Average Nonlinear Grey Bernoulli Model
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization
The Implementation of Grey Forecasting Model for Forecast Result’s Food Crop Agricultural
Scientific Journal of Informatics