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Publications by Lisa K. Whalley
Tropospheric OH and HO2 Radicals: Field Measurements and Model Comparisons
Chemical Society Reviews
Organics Substantially Reduce HO2Uptake Onto Aerosols Containing Transition Metal Ions
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Theoretical Chemistry
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Observations of OH and HO2 Radicals in Coastal Antarctica
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Measurements of OH and HO2 Concentrations During the McMa-2006 Field Campaign – Part 2: Model Comparison and Radical Budget
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
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Production of HO2 and OH Radicals From Near-Uv Irradiated Airborne TiO2 Nanoparticles
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
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Measurements of OH and HO2 Yields From the Gas Phase Ozonolysis of Isoprene
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Tropospheric OH and Stratospheric OH and Cl Concentrations Determined From CH4, CH3Cl, and SF6 Measurements
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
Measurements of Tropospheric HO2 and RO2 by Oxygen Dilution Modulation and Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
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Radical Chemistry at a Rural Site (Wangdu) in the North China Plain: Observation and Model Calculations of OH, HO2 and RO2 Radicals
Comparing Atmospheric [HO2]/[OH] to Modeled [HO2]/[OH]: Identifying Discrepancies With Reaction Rates
Geophysical Research Letters
Planetary Sciences
Measurements of OH and RO2 Radicals at Dome C, East Antarctica
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