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Publications by Lital Pinto
How Do Changes in Warm-Phase Microphysics Affect Deep Convective Clouds?
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Characterization of Cumulus Cloud Fields Using Trajectories in the Center of Gravity Versus Water Mass Phase Space: 2. Aerosol Effects on Warm Convective Clouds
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
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Analysis of the Vertical Distribution of the Thermodynamic Phase in Tropical Deep-Convective Clouds
Assessment of MODIS RSB Detector Uniformity Using Deep Convective Clouds
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Microphysical Characteristics of Frozen Droplet Aggregates From Deep Convective Clouds
How Do Changes in Tumor Matrix Affect the Outcome of Virotherapy?
Cancer Biology and Therapy
Cancer Research
Molecular Medicine
Increase in the Frequency of Tropical Deep Convective Clouds With Global Warming
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
Warm Molecular Clouds
Symposium - International Astronomical Union
Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Mixed-Phase Convective Clouds. Part 2: Meteorological Ensemble
Quantifying the Effect of Aerosol on Vertical Velocity and Effective Terminal Velocity in Warm Convective Clouds
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Review of &Quot;Comparing the Impact of Environmental Conditions and Microphysics on the Forecast Uncertainty of Deep Convective Clouds and Hail" By Wellmann Et Al.