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Publications by Louis-Pierre Comeau
Gross Nitrogen Mineralization in Pulse-Crop Rotations on the Northern Great Plains
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Soil Science
Crop Science
Separation of Soil Respiration; A Site-Specific Comparison of Partition Methods
Related publications
Nitrogen Economy of Pulse Crop Production in the Northern Great Plains
Agronomy Journal
Crop Science
Nitrogen Mineralization Responses to Cropping, Tillage, and Nitrogen Rate in the Northern Great Plains
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Soil Science
Spatial Variation of Nitrogen Fixation in Lakes of the Northern Great Plains
Limnology and Oceanography
Aquatic Science
Evaluation and Comparison of Gross Primary Production Estimates for the Northern Great Plains Grasslands
Remote Sensing of Environment
Soil Science
Computers in Earth Sciences
Crop Yields and Soil Organic Matter Responses to Sheep Grazing in US Northern Great Plains
Soil and Tillage Research
Soil Science
Crop Science
Earth-Surface Processes
Fertilization and Its Effect on Range Improvement in the Northern Great Plains
Journal of Range Management
Quality and Persistence of Forages in the Northern Great Plains.
Journal of Range Management
Mothbean: A Potential Summer Crop for the Southern Great Plains
American Journal of Plant Sciences
Nitrogen Agronomic Efficiency of Wheat in Different Crop Rotations, and the Application Rates of Nitrogen
International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)