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Publications by Louise Stone
Great Expectations and E-Mental Health: The Role of Literacy in Mediating Access to Mental Healthcare
Australian journal of general practice
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A ‘Situational Approach’ to Mental Health Literacy in Australia
Mental Health Literacy Among the Society in Surakarta
The Effect of a Youth Mental Health Service Model on Access to Secondary Mental Healthcare for Young People Aged 14–25 Years
BJPsych Bulletin
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Perfectionism and Motivation in Sport: The Mediating Role of Mental Toughness
South African Journal of Science
Mental Health, Access, and Equity in Higher Education
Advances in Social Work
Sustained Improvements in Students’ Mental Health Literacy With Use of a Mental Health Curriculum in Canadian Schools
BMC Psychiatry
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Understanding Latino Parents’ Child Mental Health Literacy
Research on Social Work Practice
Social Work
Political Science
Social Sciences
Mediating Structural Factors in Mental Health in Indian Context
Indian Journal of Psychiatric Social Work
Why We Need the Concept of “Mental Health Literacy”
Health Communication