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Publications by Luca Versari
Efficient Algorithms for Listing K Disjoint St-Paths in Graphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
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Induced Disjoint Paths in Claw-Free Graphs
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Corrigendum: Edge-Disjoint Paths in Expander Graphs
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Finding Disjoint Paths on Directed Acyclic Graphs
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Theoretical Computer Science
Complexity of Disjoint Paths Problems in Planar Graphs
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Theoretical Computer Science
Improved Algorithms for the 2-Vertex Disjoint Paths Problem
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Computing Vertex-Disjoint Paths in Large Graphs Using MAOs
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Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Disjoint Paths and Unsplittable Flow
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Induced Disjoint Paths in Circular-Arc Graphs in Linear Time
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Minimum Activation Cost Node-Disjoint Paths in Graphs With Bounded Treewidth
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Theoretical Computer Science