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Publications by Luz P. Blanco
Gender-Biased Regulation of Human IL-17-Producing Cells ≪i>in Vitro</I> By Peptides Corresponding to Distinct ≪i>HLA-DRB</I>1 Allele-Coded Sequences
Journal of Immune Based Therapies, Vaccines and Antimicrobials
Antibodies Enhance Interaction of Vibrio Cholerae With Intestinal M-Like Cells
Infection and Immunity
Infectious Diseases
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Bringing Back the Body Into Positive Psychology: The Theory of ≪i>Corporeal</I> ≪i>Posttraumatic</I> ≪i>Growth</I> ≪i>in</I> ≪i>Breast</I> ≪i>Cancer</I> ≪i>Survivorship</I>
≪i>In Vitro</I> Antagonistic Activity of ≪i>Trichoderma Harzianum</I> And ≪i>Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens</I> Against ≪i>Colletotrichum Acutatum</I>
Advances in Microbiology
Solutions of the Exponential Equation ≪i>y</I><sup><i>x/Y</I></Sup> = ≪i>x</I> Or Ln<i>x</I>/≪i>x</I> = Ln<i>y</I>/≪i>y</I> And Fine Structure Constant
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Regular Elements and Right Units of Semigroup ≪i>B<sub>x</Sub></I>(<i>D</I>) Defined Semilattice ≪i>D</I> For Which ≪i>V</I>(<i>D</I>,а)=Q ∈ &Amp;sum;<sub>3</Sub>(<i>X</I>,8)
Applied Mathematics
Crystal Structure and Synthesis of 3<i>β</I>-(≪i>p</I>-Iodobenzoyloxy)-16<i>α</I>,17<i>α</I>-Epoxypregn-4-en-6,20-Dione
Crystal Structure Theory and Applications
Regular Elements of ≪i>B<sub>x</Sup></I>(D) Defined by the Class ∑<sub>1</Sub>(X,10)-≪i>I</I>
Applied Mathematics
Identification of ≪i>ebs1</I>, ≪i>lsm6</I> And ≪i>nup159</I> As Suppressors of ≪i>spt</I>10 Effects at ≪i>ADH</I>2 in ≪i>Saccharomyces Cerevisiae</I> Suggests Post-Transcriptional Defects Affect mRNA Synthesis
American Journal of Molecular Biology
Characterization of Six Categories of Systematic 2<sup><i>n</I>-(<i>n</I>-<i>k</I>)</Sup> Fractional Factorial Designs
Open Journal of Statistics
Irreducible Representations of Algebraic Group ≪i>SL</I>(6,<i>K</I>) in Char<i>K</I> =3
Advances in Pure Mathematics