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Publications by M V Vázquez
Electrokinetic Evaluation of the Buffer Capacity of Soils
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
Migration Effect of Ba2+ in the Extraction of a Larger Cation (K+) Naturally Present in Volcanic Soil
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
Correlation of the Physicochemical Properties in Soils From Tenerife Island, Measuring the Electric Current in an Electrokinetic Experiment
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
Related publications
Buffer Capacity
Journal of Chemical Education
Evaluation of Ammonium Exchange Capacity for Agricultural Soils Treated With Zeolites
Evaluation of in Situ Sulfate Reduction as Redox Buffer Capacity in Groundwater Flow Path
Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences
Sorption and Transport of Veterinary Antibiotics in Agroforestry Buffer, Grass Buffer, and Cropland Soils
Evaluation of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) in Tropical Soils Using Four Different Analytical Methods
Journal of Agricultural Science
The Impact of Buffer Time Distributions on the Nominal Capacity of Railway Lines
Cadmium Adsorption Capacity of Selected Ontario Soils
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Soil Science
Evaluation of Methods for Predicting Axial Capacity of Jacked-In and Driven Piles in Cohesive Soils
Structural Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of Reordering Buffer Management Algorithms