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Publications by M. E. PEACH
Movement of Aldrin and Heptachlor Residues in a Sloping Field of Sandy Loam Texture
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Soil Science
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Modeling and Measurements of Triaxial Tests for a Sandy Loam Soil
Canadian Biosystems Engineering / Le Genie des biosystems au Canada
Mechanical Engineering
Field Scale Boscalid Residues and Dissipation Half-Life Estimation in a Sandy Soil
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Engineering
Degradation and Mobility of Metolachlor and Terbuthylazine in a Sandy Clay Loam Soil
Bulk Density of a Sandy Loam: Traffic, Tillage, and Irrigation-Method Effects
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Soil Science
Effects of Different Factors on Water Flow and Solute Transport Investigated by Time Domain Reflectometry in Sandy Clay Loam Field Soil
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Chemistry
Water Science
Ecological Modeling
Influence of Irrigation With Saline Water on Yield and Nutrients Uptake of Wheat Plant Grown in Sandy and Sandy Loam Soils
Alexandria Science Exchange Journal: An International Quarterly Journal of Science Agricultural Environments
Studies on Morphological Effects of Soil Application Herbicides on Rice Plant and Its Proper Use on Sandy Loam Paddy Field
Journal of Weed Science and Technology
Effect of Biochar and Trichoderma Application on Fungal Diversity and Growth of Zea Mays in a Sandy Loam Soil
Environmental and Experimental Biology
The Role of Temperature on Radio Iodine Adsorption Behavior in the Sandy-Loam Soil
Asian Journal of Scientific Research