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Publications by M. El Khadiri
A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Flow Network Reliability Using Importance and Stratified Sampling
RAIRO - Operations Research
Management Science
Computer Science Applications
Operations Research
Theoretical Computer Science
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A Monte Carlo Algorithm for Probabilistic Propagation in Belief Networks Based on Importance Sampling and Stratified Simulation Techniques
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Applied Mathematics
Theoretical Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Adaptive Stratified Importance Sampling: Hybridization of Extrapolation and Importance Sampling Monte Carlo Methods for Estimation of Wind Turbine Extreme Loads
Wind Energy Science
Renewable Energy
Power Technology
the Environment
Energy Engineering
Adaptive Stratified Importance Sampling: Hybridization of Extrapolation and Importance Sampling Monte Carlo Methods for Estimation of Wind Turbine Extreme Loads
Nearly Optimal Importance Sampling for Monte Carlo Simulation of Loss Systems
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
Computer Science Applications
Parallel Implementation and Simulation of Network Reliability Calculation by Monte Carlo Method
Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta - Upravlenie, Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika i Informatika
Computer Networks
Computer Science Applications
Information Systems
Development of Vectorized Monte Carlo Calculation and Application of Stratified Sampling
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
High Energy Physics
Nuclear Energy
Reliability Assessment of Distribution Networks Using Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation
Soil Contamination Sampling Intensity: Determining Accuracy and Confidence Using a Monte Carlo Simulation
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Soil Science
Reliability Estimation by Advanced Monte Carlo Simulation
Springer Series in Reliability Engineering