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Publications by M. Nauryzbayev
Obtaining Carbon-Mineral Sorbents Based on Shungite and Using Them to Clean Waste and Household Water
Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University
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Shungite - A Carbon-Mineral Rock Material: Its Sinterability and Possible Applications
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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
Electronic Engineering
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Obtaining and Properties of Sorbents Form Plant Wastes
Proceedings of the NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”. Series: Chemical engineering, ecology and resource saving
A Good Solution for Household Based on Fast Waste Water Blockage Detection
American Journal of Applied Sciences
Development of Oil Product Contaminated Wastewater Treatment Technology Using Sorbents Based on Mining Waste
E3S Web of Conferences
Planetary Sciences
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Carbon-Containing Waste of Coal Enterprises in Magnetic Sorbents Technology
E3S Web of Conferences
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Removal of Micropollutants and Nutrients in Household Wastewater Using Organic and Inorganic Sorbents
Adsorption and DSC Study of Mineral–carbon Sorbents Obtained From Coal Tar Pitch–polymer Compositions
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Theoretical Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics