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Publications by MARC D'ORGEVILLE
Destabilization of Mixed Rossby Gravity Waves and the Formation of Equatorial Zonal Jets
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Mechanics of Materials
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
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Tropical Instability Waves as a Resonance Between Equatorial Rossby Waves*
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Generation of the North Equatorial Undercurrent Jets by Triad Baroclinic Rossby Wave Interactions
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Can Reflected Extra-Equatorial Rossby Waves Drive ENSO?
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Internal Gravity Waves From Atmospheric Jets and Fronts
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Rossby Waves and Two-Dimensional Turbulence in a Large-Scale Zonal Jet
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MJO-related Intraseasonal Variation in the Stratosphere: Gravity Waves and Zonal Winds
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Generation and Propagation of Inertia–Gravity Waves From Vortex Dipoles and Jets
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
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