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Publications by Marco Montecchi
Advanced Measurement Techniques to Characterize the Near-Specular Reflectance of Solar Mirrors
State of the Art of Performance Evaluation Methods for Concentrating Solar Collectors
Simplified Analysis of Solar-Weighted Specular Reflectance for Mirrors With High Specularity
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Effect of Soiling on Solar Mirrors and Techniques Used to Maintain High Reflectivity
Optical Measurement Techniques Applied to Solar Selective Coatings
Specular and Diffuse Reflection of Soft X-Rays From Mirrors
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
High Energy Physics
Standard of the Specular Spectral Reflectance in the Visible and Infrared Region
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai Shi)
Electronic Engineering
Study on Aging of Solar Reflectance of the High Reflectance Paint
Netsu Bussei
Measurement Techniques for Solar Cells, Quarterly Report :
Modeling the Specular Spectral Reflectance of Partially Ordered Alumina Nanopores on an Aluminum Substrate
Optics Express
Molecular Physics,
Infrared Imaging Techniques for the Measurement of Complex Near-Field Antenna Patterns