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Publications by Marilyn J. Barber
Broadfoot, Barry. The Immigrant Years: From Europe to Canada 1945-1967. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McLntyre, 1986. Pp. 240. $22.95
Urban History Review/Revue d'Histoire Urbaine
Urban Studies
Related publications
BROADFOOT, Barry, the Immigrant Years. From Britain and Europe to Canada, 1945-1967. Vancouver, Toronto, Douglas & McIntyre, 1986. 255 P.
Revue d'Histoire de l'Amerique Francaise
Party MattersOUT OF THE BLUE: THE FALL OF THE TORY DYNASTY IN ONTARIO. Rosemary Speirs. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1986.SUCCESSION: THE POLITICAL RESHAPING OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. David J. Mitchell. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1987.RUMOURS OF GLORY: SASKATCHEWAN & THE THATCHER YEARS. Dale Eisler. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1987.THE PATRIOT GAME: NATIONAL DREAMS & POLITICAL REALITIES. Peter Brimelow. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1986.
Journal of Canadian Studies
Cultural Studies
Greer, Allan and Ian Radforth, Eds. Colonial Leviathan: State Formation in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. Pp. Xii, 328. $22.95 Paper
Urban History Review/Revue d'Histoire Urbaine
Urban Studies
Stuart Woolf, the Poor in Western Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, London and New York, Methuen, 1986, 8vo, Pp. 240, £25.00.
Medical History
Past and Present of Active School Transportation: An Exploration of the Built Environment Effects in Toronto, Canada From 1986 to 2006
Journal of Transport and Land Use
Urban Studies
Neil Sutherland, Growing Up: Childhood in English Canada From the Great War to the Age of Television. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1997. Pp. 334
Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation
The Working Lives Collective. Working Lives: Vancouver 1886-1986. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1985. Pp. 221. Illustrated. $29.95 Cloth, $15.95 Paper
Urban History Review/Revue d'Histoire Urbaine
Urban Studies
Management and Machiavelli, Par Antony Jay, Musson Book Co., Toronto, 1967, 224 Pp.
Relations industrielles
Yvonne M. Hébert, Ed. Citizenship in Transformation in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. Pp. 289.
Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation