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Publications by Marius Turda
Rózsa, Dávid, Ed-In-Chief. 2014. Portrék a Magyar Statisztika És Népességtudomány Történetéből - Életrajzi Lexikon a XVI. Századtól Napjainkig ('Portraits From the History of Hungarian Statistics and Demography – A Biographical Lexicon From the Sixteenth Century to the Present'). Budapest: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal Könyvtár. 807 Pp. Illus.
Hungarian Cultural Studies
History of Medicine in Eastern Europe, Including Russia
The Biology of War: Eugenics in Hungary, 1914–1918
Austrian History Yearbook
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Niran, Judit. 2014. Jelek a Vízen ('Signs on the Water'). Budapest: Libri. 260 Pp. Illus.
Hungarian Cultural Studies
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Magyar Tudomány
Africa From the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century
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A Short History of Classical Scholarship From the Sixth Century B.C. To the Present Day
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Africa From the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century
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