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Publications by Masahiko NAKAMURA
Enhancement of Frost Durability by Modification of Internal Surface of Clay Roofing Tiles
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
CI Activities as a Mode of Organizational Communication: Its Effects on Changes in Emloyees' Attitudes Toward the Organization and Corporate Image
Japanese Journal of Administrative Science
Densification in Hot Pressing of Orientated Filaments Under Low Pressure.
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
Hydrophobic Effect of Modifying Molecules on the Surface of Ultrafine Silica Particles.
Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Microstructure and Frost Durability of Vinylon Fibers-Reinforced Building Materials Using Globular Cement.
Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan
Fluid Flow
Process Chemistry
Transfer Processes
Heterosis for Nutrient Uptake in F1 Rice Hybrid-Seedlings.
Japanese Journal of Crop Science
Crop Science
Food Science
Microvascular Architecture of the Enamel Organ of the Upper Major Incisor in the Rabbit
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica