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Publications by Masaki Yuki
Intergroup Comparison Versus Intragroup Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Social Identity Theory in North American and East Asian Cultural Contexts
Social Psychology Quarterly
Social Psychology
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Fashion and East Asia: Cultural Translations and East Asian Perspectives
International Journal of Fashion Studies
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Counternarrative and Antenarrative Inquiry in Two Cross-Cultural Contexts
European J. of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management
East Asian Cultural Perspective of Contemporary Environmental Ethics
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Creativity: The Influence of Cultural, Social, and Work Contexts
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Cultural Adaptation of Indonesian Diaspora in Thailand’s Social Contexts
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
Science Denial as Intergroup Conflict: Using Social Identity Theory, Intergroup Emotions Theory and Intergroup Threat Theory to Explain Angry Denial of Science
Construction of Cross-Cultural Identity by Language Choice and Linguistic Practice: A Case-Study of Mixed Hong Kong-Mainland Identity in University Contexts
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics