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Publications by Matteo Ceriotti
Hybrid Solar Sail and Solar Electric Propulsion for Novel Earth Observation Missions
Acta Astronautica
Aerospace Engineering
Design of Optimal Earth Pole-Sitter Transfers Using Low-Thrust Propulsion
Acta Astronautica
Aerospace Engineering
Close Proximity Formation Flying via Linear Quadratic Tracking Controller and Artificial Potential Function
Advances in Space Research
Planetary Sciences
Planetary Science
Atmospheric Science
Aerospace Engineering
Motes in the Jungle: Lessons Learned From a Short-Term WSN Deployment in the Ecuador Cloud Forest
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Design and Trade-Offs of a Pole-Sitter Mission
Fingerprinting Channel Dynamics in Indoor Low-Power Wireless Networks
Bit Error Distribution and Mutation Patterns of Corrupted Packets in Low-Power Wireless Networks
Variable-Geometry Solar Sailing: The Possibilities of the Quasi-Rhombic Pyramid
Trajectory Optimization in Hevelius - Lunar Micros...