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Publications by Md.Jahir Alam
Vegetation Dynamics Between an Open Patch and a Forest Edge
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research
Antinociceptive and Cytotoxic Potential of Ethanolic Extract of Delonix Regia (Leaves)
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research
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Carbon Balance and Vegetation Dynamics in an Old-Growth Amazonian Forest
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Dynamics and Edge Effect of an Atlantic Forest Fragment in Brazil
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Flow Structure Along the Cross-Section of an Open-Channel Caused by Patch of Submerged Vegetation
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences
Edge Effects on the Structure and Dynamics of an Atlantic Forest Fragment in Northeastern Brazil
Revista Brasileirade Ciencias Agrarias
Biological Sciences
Spatial Relationships Between Canopy Structure and Understory Vegetation of an Old-Growth Douglas-Fir Forest
Forest Research: Open Access
Relations Between the Vegetation and Wild Bird Community Around Forest Road
Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology
An Open Service Platform at Network Edge
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Figure 2: Relationship Between Forest Patch Area and Gamebird Species Richness Within 129 Forest Patches and 15 Continuous Forest Sites.
Relation Between Purity of an Open Qubit Dynamics and Its Initial Correlation With an Environment
International Journal of Theoretical Physics