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Publications by Mei WU
Multi-Objective Optimization for Electric Water Heater Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
Renewable Energy
Power Technology
the Environment
Energy Engineering
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Multi-Objective, Multi-Period Optimization of Renewable Technologies and Storage System Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
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Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises
Electronic Engineering
Systems Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Computer Science Applications
Use of Spreadsheet for a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model - Multi-Objective Flow Shop Scheduling With Normalisers
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology
Timing-Power Optimization for Mixed-Radix Ling Adders by Integer Linear Programming
Optimization of Production Plan Based on Linear Multi-Objective Programming
DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research
Optimal Airport Surface Traffic Planning Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Towards Multi-Objective Mixed Integer Evolution Strategies
Polyhedral Approaches to Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Optimal Routing for Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
IFAC Proceedings Volumes