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Publications by Michael Veith
Hypothesizing if Responses to Climate Change Affect Herbicide Exposure Risk for Amphibians
Environmental Sciences Europe
Front Cover: Gallium and Indium Alkoxides With Hydride, Cyclopentadienediide and Copper(I) Tert -Butoxide as Further Components (Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 22/2019)
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
Inorganic Chemistry
Front Cover: Aluminum/Nitrogen Cycles and an Open Cage With Al-H and N-H Functions (Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 20/2017)
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
Inorganic Chemistry
PTFEP-Al2O3 Hybrid Nanowires Reducing Thrombosis and Biofouling
Nanoscale Advances
Materials Science
Molecular Physics,
On the Stability of the Dorsal Pattern of European Cave Salamanders (Genus Hydromantes)
Figure 1 From: Lunghi E, Romeo D, Mulargia M, Cogoni R, Manenti R, Corti C, Ficetola GF, Veith M (2019) on the Stability of the Dorsal Pattern of European Cave Salamanders (Genus Hydromantes). Herpetozoa 32: 249-253.
Figure 2 From: Lunghi E, Romeo D, Mulargia M, Cogoni R, Manenti R, Corti C, Ficetola GF, Veith M (2019) on the Stability of the Dorsal Pattern of European Cave Salamanders (Genus Hydromantes). Herpetozoa 32: 249-253.
Figure 2d From: Lunghi E, Corti C, Mulargia M, Zhao Y, Manenti R, Ficetola GF, Veith M (2020) Cave Morphology, Microclimate and Abundance of Five Cave Predators From the Monte Albo (Sardinia, Italy). Biodiversity Data Journal 8: E48623.
Figure 1 From: Lunghi E, Corti C, Mulargia M, Zhao Y, Manenti R, Ficetola GF, Veith M (2020) Cave Morphology, Microclimate and Abundance of Five Cave Predators From the Monte Albo (Sardinia, Italy). Biodiversity Data Journal 8: E48623.
An Intramolecularly Lewis-Base-Stabilized GeN-Compound and a Related GeFe Complex
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition