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Publications by Michal Rybníček
Impact of Climate Change on Growth Dynamics of Norway Spruce in South-Eastern Norway
Silva Fennica
Ecological Modeling
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Stem Taper and Bark Functions for Norway Spruce in Norway
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Ecological Modeling
Characteristics of Damages in Norway Spruce Stands
Shrinkage Properties of Norway Spruce Wood.
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Ecological Modeling
Effect of Spatial Pattern of Trees on the Growth of Norway Spruce Stand.
Silva Fennica
Ecological Modeling
Climate Change and Mixed Forests: How Do Altered Survival Probabilities Impact Economically Desirable Species Proportions of Norway Spruce and European Beech?
Annals of Forest Science
Norway - Sustainable Development: Climate Change and Fisheries Policies
OECD Economics Department Working Papers
Multilevel Modelling of Height Growth in Young Norway Spruce Plantations in Southern Finland
Silva Fennica
Ecological Modeling