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Publications by Minoru Chikira
Eastward-Propagating Intraseasonal Oscillation Represented by Chikira–Sugiyama Cumulus Parameterization. Part II: Understanding Moisture Variation Under Weak Temperature Gradient Balance
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Science
Description and Basic Evaluation of Simulated Mean State, Internal Variability, and Climate Sensitivity in MIROC6
Related publications
The Cumulus Parameterization Problem: Past, Present, and Future
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Eastward Propagating MJO During Boreal Summer and Indian Monsoon Droughts
Climate Dynamics
Atmospheric Science
Parameterization of the Annual Surface Temperature and Mass Balance of Antarctica
Annals of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
Observations of Eastward Propagation of Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillations From the Pacific to the Atlantic
Journal of Geophysical Research
Planetary Sciences
Soil Science
Atmospheric Science
Aquatic Science
Earth-Surface Processes
Planetary Science
Water Science
Variation in Moisture Content of Sugi Boxed Heart Timber in Miyazaki Prefecture During Kiln Drying Under High Temperature and Low Humidity: II. Distribution and Change of Moisture Content
Mokuzai Gakkaishi
The Role of Surface Friction in Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation
Monthly Weather Review
Atmospheric Science
The Acid-Base Balance History (Part II)
Emergency Care Journal
Moisture Modes and the Eastward Propagation of the MJO
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Science
Poleward-Propagating Intraseasonal Monsoon Disturbances in an Intermediate-Complexity Axisymmetric Model
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Science