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Publications by Mitsuhiko ASAKAWA
Parasitic Helminths Obtained From Japanese Common Toads Bufo Japonicus Formosus Introduced to Hokkaido, Japan
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
A Parasitological Survey of the Wild Mammals Living in the Kushiro Zoo
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Parasitic Helminths Found From Imported Crab-Eating Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) in a Quarantine Station of an Experimental Animal Supplying Company and Its Epidemiological Point of View in Japan
Journal of Veterinary Epidemiology
Phylogenetic Implications of Variations in rDNA and mtDNA in Red-Backed Voles Collected in Hokkaido, Japan, and in Korea.
Mammal Study
Animal Science
An Epidemiological Survey of Hepatitis E Virus in Sika Deer, Cervus Nippon, in Nara Park, Japan
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
First Records of the Genera Eimeria and Isospora (Protozoa : Eimeriidae) Obtained From Feral Raccoons (Procyon Lotor) Alien Species in Japan and Prevalence of Serum Antibodies to Toxoplasma Gondii Among the Raccoons
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Records of Barnacle, Xenobalanus Globicipitis Steenstrup, 1851 and Whale Lice, Cyamus Sp. From a Wild Killer Whale Captured in the Western North Pacific, Off Kii Peninsula, Japan
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
First Record of the Cyclocoelid Trematode, Hyptiasmus Sp., From Whooper Swan in Japan
Japanese Journal of Ornithology