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Publications by N. Aoi
Experimental Study of the Knockout Reaction Mechanism usingO14at 60 MeV/nucleon
Physical Review C
High Energy Physics
Collectivity of Neutron-Rich Ti Isotopes
Physical Review C
Β-Delayed Neutron Andγ-Ray Spectroscopy Of17C Utilizing Spin-Polarized17B
Physical Review C
Shallow and Diffuse Spin-Orbit Potential for Proton Elastic Scattering From Neutron-Rich Helium Isotopes at 71 MeV/nucleon
Physical Review C
Study of the 26Si(p,γ)27P Reaction Through Coulomb Dissociation of 27P
European Physical Journal A
High Energy Physics
Electromagnetic Moments of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Measured With Polarized Radioactive Ion Beams
Nuclear Physics A
High Energy Physics