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Publications by N. Saito
Factors Influencing Local Recurrence and Distant Metastasis of Rectal Cancer Invading Proper Muscle.
Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi
The Flat Elevated Type of Early Colonic Carcinoma : Report of Two Cases.
Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi
Hidden Markov Model for Automatic Transcription of MIDI Signals
A P-Carbon CNI Polarimeter for RHIC
Related publications
Factors Influcing Local Recurrence After Curative Surgery for Rectal Cancer
The journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society
Lymph Node Metastasis and Recurrence in Gastric Cancer Invading the Submucosal Layer
The journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society
Evaluation of Local Advanced Breast Cancer Following Mastectomy: Recurrence and Influencing Clinic Histopathology Factors
The New Ropanasuri Journal of Surgery
Trials of Microwave Solidification Therapy for Rectal Cancer Local Recurrence.
Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi
Late Recurrence of Large Peri-Stomal Metastasis Following Abdomino-Perineal Resection of Rectal Cancer
World Journal of Surgical Oncology
A Case of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Metastasis Originating From a Rectal Cancer
Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of Japan Surgical Association)
Prediction of Risk Factors of Lateral Lymph Node Metastasis in Rectal Cancer
Grekov's Bulletin of Surgery
Locoregional Recurrence (Non Hepatic Abdominal Recurrence) of Rectal Cancer
Acta chirurgica iugoslavica
A Curatively Resected Case of Local Recurrence of Rectal Cancer 16 Years After Surgery
Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of Japan Surgical Association)