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Publications by Nadao Kohno
The Development of a Storm Surge Model Including the Effect of Wave Set-Up for Operational Forecasting
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Atmospheric Science
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A Rapid Forecasting and Mapping System of Storm Surge and Coastal Flooding
Weather and Forecasting
Atmospheric Science
Numerical Simulation of Cyclonic Storm Surges Over the Bay of Bengal Using a Meteorology-Wave-Surge-Tide Coupled Model
Coastal Engineering Proceedings
Prediction Using Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave Coupled Model for Possible Maximum Storm Surge in Tokyo Bay
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering)
Future Wind, Wave and Storm Surge Climate in the Northern Seas: A Revisit
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
Wave Set-Up in the Surf Zone
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Model-Driven System for Operational Forecasting of River Flooding
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