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Publications by Nina Evans
The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Academic Well-Being and Affective Teaching Practices
Creative Education
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Mindfulness and Its Role in Psychological Well-Being
Journal of Psychology Research
Meditation and Mindfulness: Combatting Negative Mindsets and Mental Health Afflictions While Promoting Positives Such as Confidence and General Well-Being
Pathways to Well Being : The Influence of Mindfulness on Stress, Appraisals, and Coping
Well-Being Champion Impact on Employee Engagement, Staff Satisfaction, and Employee Well-Being
Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes
Respect for People’S Well-Being: Meditation for Construction Workers
Examining the Effect of Mindfulness on Well-Being: Self-Connection as a Mediator
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
Social Psychology
Effects of Brief Mindfulness Meditation on Attention Switching
Educational Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Applied Psychology
Social Psychology