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Publications by O. V. Chala
Transformation of the National Country Studies in the Eastern of Ukraine
Science and Education a New Dimension
Criteria and Indicators of Formation of Local Lore Competence of Future Geographers in the Process of Professional Training
Pedagogical sciences reality and perspectives
Related publications
Presentation of the Book “Transformation of the Ukrainian National Idea” in the Northwestern Regions of Ukraine
Ukrainian Studies
The Køkkenmødding of Eastern Ukraine
Vita Antiqua
The Transformation of National Systems of Innovation in Eastern Europe: Between Restructuring and Erosion
Industrial and Corporate Change
The Embeddedness of Software Development in the Ukraine: An Offshoring Country Perspective
European Planning Studies
Zhbanchik A. Pressing Issues of Cooperation Between the National Guard of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine
Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav
Transformation of the Contents of National Social Studies at School in the 20th Century: The Heritage and Benefits
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
The Structure of the National Payment System of Ukraine
Visnik Nacional’nogo universitetu «Lvivska politehnika». Seria: Uridicni nauki
Methods of Public Management in the National Police of Ukraine
Law and Safety
Establishment of the Network of Institutions for the Elimination of Literacy for National Minorities in North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20-S Years of the Xx Century
Innovate Pedagogy