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Publications by Olivier Boissier
Multi-Agent Self-Organization and Reorganization to Adapt M2M Infrastructures
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Knowledge Engineering Review
Artificial Intelligence
ADAPT: The Agent Developmentand Prototyping Testbed
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics
Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision
Computer-Aided Design
Signal Processing
Using Self-Diagnosis to Adapt Organizational Structures
To Adapt or Not to Adapt: A Quantification Technique for Measuring an Expected Degree of Self-Adaptation
Computer Networks
Human-Computer Interaction
Self Organization Mechanism in an Agent Network by Decentralized Approach
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology
To Adapt or Not to Adapt?
S-Dlcam: A Self-Design and Learning Cooperative Agent Model for Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
Exploring a Self Organizing Multi Agent Approach for Service Discovery