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Publications by Pascale Domingo
Numerical Study of HCl and SO2 Impact on Sodium Emissions in Pulverized-Coal Flames
Organic Chemistry
Fuel Technology
Power Technology
Chemical Engineering
Energy Engineering
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Experimental and Numerical Studies of Pulverized Coal Devolatilization and Oxidation in Strained Methane/Air Flames
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Theoretical Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Numerical Study of Co-Firing Pulverized Coal and Biomass Inside a Cement Calciner
Waste Management and Research
Environmental Engineering
Mechanisms Governing Fine Particulate Emissions From Coal Flames
Numerical Analysis on Effect of Furnace Scale on Heat Transfer Mechanism of Coal Particles in Pulverized Coal Combustion Field
Fuel Processing Technology
Fuel Technology
Power Technology
Chemical Engineering
Energy Engineering
Reduce Co2 Emissions and Costs in Blast Furnace Operation With Pulverized Coal Injection
Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the Ukrainian Pulverized-Coal Thermal Power Plants
Scientific Works of National University of Food Technologies
Incorrect Policy Interpretation Affects Conclusion on SO2 Emissions by Coal-Fired Power Plants in China
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Radiation Turbulence Interactions in Pulverized Coal Flames: Chaotic Map Models of Soot Fluctuations in Turbulent Diffusion Flames. Quarterly Report, October 1995--December 1995
Effects on NOx and SO2 Emissions During Co-Firing of Coal With Woody Biomass in Air Staging and Reburning
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development
Energy Engineering
Renewable Energy
Power Technology
Environmental Engineering
the Environment