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Publications by Patrick Heimbach
Observing System Evaluation Based on Ocean Data Assimilation and Prediction Systems: On-Going Challenges and a Future Vision for Designing and Supporting Ocean Observational Networks
Frontiers in Marine Science
Planetary Change
Environmental Science
Ocean Engineering
Aquatic Science
Water Science
Observational Needs for Improving Ocean and Coupled Reanalysis, S2S Prediction, and Decadal Prediction
Frontiers in Marine Science
Planetary Change
Environmental Science
Ocean Engineering
Aquatic Science
Water Science
Timescales and Regions of the Sensitivity of Atlantic Meridional Volume and Heat Transport: Toward Observing System Design
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
SICOPOLIS-AD V1: An Open-Source Adjoint Modeling Framework for Ice Sheet Simulation Enabled by the Algorithmic Differentiation Tool OpenAD
Supplementary Material to &Quot;SICOPOLIS-Ad V1: An Open-Source Adjoint Modeling Framework for Ice Sheet Simulation Enabled by the Algorithmic Differentiation Tool OpenAD"
Response to Reviewer 2, Lizz Ultee
Greenland Ice-Sheet Volume Sensitivity to Basal, Surface and Initial Conditions Derived From an Adjoint Model
Annals of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes