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Publications by Paul Green
African Americans in Urban Catholic Schools: Faith, Leadership and Persistence in Pursuit of Educational Opportunity
The Urban Review
Urban Studies
Factors Affecting the Improvement of Service Quality at Universities of Technology: The Case of South Africa
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial and Heliostudies (Truths): A Bencmark Mission for Climate
4D Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Computer Graphics
Computer-Aided Design
On Holomorphic Graded Manifolds
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Applied Mathematics
Sphere Transitive Structures and the Triality Automorphism
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
National Automotive Center 21st Century Truck (21T) Dual Use Safety Focus
Making Sense of First-Year Student Life