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Publications by Peter Babinčák
Subjective Happiness in Slovakia: Reliability and Validity of Measuring Happiness Through the Subjective Happiness Scale
European Journal of Mental Health
Mental Health
Public Health
Psychiatric Mental Health
Occupational Health
Related publications
Validity and Reliability of the Authentic Happiness Scale
Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Mental Health Stigma and Subjective Happiness
Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Measuring Happiness Increases Happiness
Journal of Computational Social Science
Standardization of the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) in a Greek Sample
Surveying Happiness in China: Comparing Measures of Subjective Well-Being
Journal of Chinese Sociology
Social Sciences
Study of the Relationship of Subjective Happiness and Resilience in Young Women
Uchenye Zapiski RGSU
Measuring Happiness in Portuguese Adults: Validation of the CHQ - Covilha Happiness Questionnaire
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Effects of Happiness Training Program on Subjective Well-Being Modification
Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
The Influence of Interaction With Others in Vacation on Subjective Happiness and Depression
Stress Science Research