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Publications by Peter D. Stahl
Microbial Respiration and Organic Carbon Indicate Nutrient Cycling Recovery in Reclaimed Soils
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Soil Science
Influence of Mineland Reclamation Practices on Microbial Community Recovery and Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation
Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation
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Revegetation Pattern Affecting Accumulation of Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Reclaimed Mine Soils
Molecular Biology
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Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio
Assessing Fossil and New Carbon in Reclaimed Mined Soils
Microbial Biomass in Reclaimed Soils Following Coal Mining in Virginia
Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation
Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio
Microbial Group Dynamics in Plant Rhizospheres and Their Implications on Nutrient Cycling
Frontiers in Microbiology
Erratum To: Effect of Vegetation Type, Wetting Intensity, and Nitrogen Supply on External Carbon Stimulated Heterotrophic Respiration and Microbial Biomass Carbon in Forest Soils
Science China Earth Sciences
Planetary Sciences
Rice Straw Incorporation Influences Nutrient Cycling and Soil Organic Matter