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Publications by Peter S. Ojiambo
Resurgence of Cucurbit Downy Mildew in the United States: A Watershed Event for Research and Extension
Plant Disease
Plant Science
Crop Science
Effects of Host Plant Resistance and Fungicides on Severity of Cucumber Downy Mildew
Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science
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Selecting Bacterial Antagonists for Cucurbit Downy Mildew and Developing an Effective Application Method
Plant Disease
Plant Science
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Using Next-Generation Sequencing to Develop Molecular Diagnostics for Pseudoperonospora Cubensis, the Cucurbit Downy Mildew Pathogen
Plant Science
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First Report of Resistance to Quinoxyfen in Podosphaera Xanthii, Causal Agent of Cucurbit Powdery Mildew, in the United States
Plant Health Progress
Plant Science
Table 2: Cases of Cucurbit Downy Mildew and Number of Counties With Reported Cases in the Cucurbit Integrated Pest Management Pest Information for Extension and Education Project Database and the Final Epidemic Area in the Week Ending July 31 in Each Epidemic Year.
Resurgence of Syphilis in the United States: An Assessment of Contributing Factors
Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment
Studies on Downy Mildew of Hop Plants
Japanese Journal of Phytopathology
Ecofriendly Approach of Managing Onion Downy Mildew
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Research on Cucumber Downy Mildew Detection System Based on SVM Classification Algorithm
Identification of Downy Mildew Resistance Loci in Sunflower Germplasm
Notulae Scientia Biologicae