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Publications by Ping A. Xu
Regulation of Forestomach-Specific Expression of the Murine Adenosine Deaminase Gene
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
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Modulatory Effect of Iron Chelators on Adenosine Deaminase Activity and Gene Expression in Trichomonas Vaginalis
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Two Frameshift Mutations in the RNA-Specific Adenosine Deaminase Gene Associated With Dyschromatosis Symmetrica Hereditaria
Archives of Dermatology
Murine Lymphocytes and Lymphocyte Lines Secrete Adenosine Deaminase(ada): 207
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Structure of Adenosine Deaminase mRNAs From Normal and Adenosine Deaminase-Deficient Human Cell Lines.
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Adenosine-Induced Cardiac Gene Expression of Ischemic Murine Hearts Revealed by cDNA Array Hybridization
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Disruption of the Adenosine Deaminase Gene Causes Hepatocellular Impairment and Perinatal Lethality in Mice.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Functional Analysis of the Human Adenosine Deaminase Gene Thymic Regulatory Region and Its Ability to Generate Position-Independent Transgene Expression.
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology