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Publications by Ping Shing Chan
Statistical Analysis of Exponential Lifetimes Under an Adaptive Type-Ii Progressive Censoring Scheme
Naval Research Logistics
Management Science
Ocean Engineering
Operations Research
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Estimation of the Parameters and Expected Test Time of Exponentiated Weibull Lifetimes Under Type II Progressive Censoring Scheme With Random Removals
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Statistical Inference for Pareto Distribution Based on Progressive Type-I Hybrid Censoring Scheme
International Journal of Computer Applications
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Exponential Distribution Under Type-Ii Censoring From Imprecise Data
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Approximate Bayes Estimators of the Logistic Distribution Parameters Based on Progressive Type-Ii Censoring Scheme
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
Management Science
Operations Research
Bayesian Inference for Step-Stress Partially Accelerated Competing Failure Model Under Type II Progressive Censoring
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Bayesian Inference for Exponential Lifetime Models Based on Type-Ii Hybrid Censoring
Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications
Statistical Analysis of Rayleigh Competing Risks Model Based on Partially Step Stress Type-Ii Censoring Samples
Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications
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Bayesian Estimation on the Exponentiated Gompertz Distribution Under Type II Censoring
International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Erratum To: Estimating the Generalized Exponential Distribution Parameters and the Acceleration Factor Under Constant-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing With Type-Ii Censoring
Strength of Materials
Mechanics of Materials