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Publications by Qiuyue Zhao
MicroRNA-449a Enhances Radiosensitivity by Downregulation of C-Myc in Prostate Cancer Cells
Scientific Reports
Emissions of Parent, Nitrated, and Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Indoor Corn Straw Burning in Normal and Controlled Combustion Conditions
Journal of Environmental Sciences
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Science
Contribution of Caspase-Independent Pathway to Apoptosis in Malignant Glioma Induced by Carbon Ion Beams
Oncology Reports
Cancer Research
Geochemical and Clay-Size Minerals Evidence for the Provenance of LQC Loess Deposits in the Central Shandong, Northern China
Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response
Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds and Policy Implications for Regional Ozone Pollution Control in an Urban Location of Nanjing, East China
Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds and Policy Implications for Regional Ozone Pollution Control in an Urban Location of Nanjing, East China